The Meaning Of The Movie
What is this movie actually about? What did it mean to the filmmakers and audiences when it was released? Has the meaning changed over time? Welcome to... The Meaning Of The Movie: A Podcast About What Matters Most. ” This is a place to wrestle over the big and small questions about a film. Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? What is really happening in The Shining? Is Titanic the highest-budget Hallmark love story of all time or a powerful take on a historic tragedy? Podcast hosts Rob Stennett and Andrew Harmon wrestle through what matters most in a movie. We‘re here to answer, ”What does it all mean?”

Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Luke, I am your podcast. It's time to cover one of the greatest sequels ever made. We'll talk about twists, the characters, and the surprising meanings we find in this film. Guest hosts Ryan Fraizer and Darren Shaw join Rob Stennett for this week's episode of The Meaning Of The Movie.

Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Are you hungry for a good podcast? It's time to dine on 2022's horror/thriller/satire The Menu. Host Rob Stennett invites two friends of the show Jon Michael Simpson and Jeff McQuitty to discuss... what does it all mean?

Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
The 2023 Oscars are coming on March 12th! What movies matter? What movies do we think are going to win? What movies do we want to win? Rob does his first-ever solo podcast to give you some thoughts and help you prepare for Oscar Night in this BONUS episode.

Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Rob and Andrew are IN PERSON for Takia Watiti’s 2019 (comedy? drama?) Jojo Rabbit. We debate the themes, the meanings, and how he somehow pulls an impossible premise together.
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Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
What if we told you Ryan from The Office created a film noir that delves deeply into the cultural divide in America? What if we told you it’s one of our most interesting films of 2022? We give you Vengeance from writer/director BJ Novak. It’s a murder mystery rooted in the divide between red and blue states. It’s a tale that shocks you like spicy ketchup from Whataburger. Join our Facebook group hereEmail our host hereNow streaming on Peacock (but this changes all the time to so keep current with the Just Watch app)

Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
What did 2022 mean in movies? What movies surprised us most? What movies disappointed us? And what were our top five movies of the year? We get into some major disagreements about some of our favorites and look for the deeper meaning across all 2022 films. Join us for this week's episode.
We'd love to hear your top five films:Post them on our FB group Or email

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Where does Speilberg rank on the list of all-time directors? How do we feel about him making a biopic about himself? Is this navel-gazing or artistic and one of the year's best films? We have lots of questions and even more answers and takes on this week's episode. You can listen to a spoiler-free opening 10 minutes as we discuss Speilberg. Listen to the episode. See the film. And decide for yourself..."What does it all mean?"
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Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Let's talk about Die Hard. This is a re-release of our pilot episode of MOTM. We debate what makes a Christmas movie, the most meaningful scenes and characters, and what the movie means. Come out to the podcast, we'll get together, have a few laughs...for this classic episode with Die Hard.
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Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
This is not a Thanksgiving movie. It is THE Thanksgiving movie. What makes it last? Is the ending actually dark and disturbing? We discuss the incredible performances of Steve Martin and John Candy, the career of John Hughes, and a whole lot more in this week's episode. Join our group on Facebook
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Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
The Shining is an all-time classic Halloween film. But is it scary? In this week's episode, we debate the film, the many interpretations, and the battle between Stephen King and Stanley Kubrick.
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MOTM Podcast Hosts
Rob Stennett, Andrew Harmon, and John Bolin have worked together on films, ad campaigns, and A LOT of stage productions.
We debate movies a lot.
We're taking the debate out of the backstage and onto the main stage. What makes a movie meaningful? Is there a least meaningful part of the movie?
Did we love it or hate it? You're invited into the journey.