The Meaning Of The Movie

What is this movie actually about? What did it mean to the filmmakers and audiences when it was released? Has the meaning changed over time? Welcome to... The Meaning Of The Movie: A Podcast About What Matters Most. ” This is a place to wrestle over the big and small questions about a film. Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? What is really happening in The Shining? Is Titanic the highest-budget Hallmark love story of all time or a powerful take on a historic tragedy? Podcast hosts Rob Stennett and Andrew Harmon wrestle through what matters most in a movie. We‘re here to answer, ”What does it all mean?”

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Wednesday Oct 19, 2022

In part one we talked about the first two episodes. Now you can hear what we think of the whole season. Did we like it more or less than we thought we would? What makes something Tolkein-y? What does it all mean? Hear our analysis and thoughts on the meaning of the full season of The Lord Of The Rings: Rings Of Power in this week's episode.


Thursday Oct 06, 2022

Thursday Oct 06, 2022

Is the Zodiac Killer ground zero for America’s fascination with serial killers? Is this film a horror or a thriller? What’s the difference? And whose story is this (Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, or Robert Downey Jr)? We’re doing a deep dive into Fincher, the Zodiac, the history, the meaning and the hidden messages. Join us as we debate it all in our kickoff to October films.


Tuesday Sep 20, 2022

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022

It’s time to cover our first true comedy on the podcast! We talk Apatow, rank comedy eras, and ask why are comedies so easily written off. This week we're joined by special guest Naomi Beatty. She brings great insight as a screenwriting consultant and instructor. You can get her book here (we love this book) and you can learn more about her work here. Run to download this episode like you’re searching for a bathroom after a bad batch of Brazillian BBQ. Join our Facebook Group
Visit our website 

Sunday Sep 11, 2022

We know it’s a TV Show and not a movie…BUT we also talk about the original LOTR films, The Hobbit films, and the new series on Amazon Prime. What does it mean? How did we feel watching this show? It’s a Tolkein fest on our latest episode. Editor’s note: Rob’s audio is rough and we’re working on fixing it. But we still think this episode is worth a listen.

Summer Blockbuster Recap

Thursday Aug 11, 2022

Thursday Aug 11, 2022

The summer movie season is almost over. We wanted to stop and reflect. We normally talk about the movies we love. What about the movies that didn’t work? We’re going to get into that this episode. We’ll also talk about the podcast itself. What we got right. What we got wrong. The state of Disney. The state of our souls. We cover a lot in this episode. It’s our last episode of the summer and then we’ll kick it off again in the fall. MOVIES COVERED IN THIS EPISODE:Jurassic World: Dominion Lightyear Dr. Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness

Stranger Things 4: Vol 2

Friday Jul 29, 2022

Friday Jul 29, 2022

In a summer of lackluster blockbusters, STRANGER THINGS still has our attention. So much so that we recorded with ROB IN FRANCE. His AUDIO is not as sharp as normal but we couldn't wait any longer to do a deep dive into part 2. What did at all mean? Why did it work for us? What characters were strongest? And where were we right and wrong with our predictions? We discuss it all in this episode of The Meaning of The Movie.

Back To The Future

Thursday Jul 14, 2022

Thursday Jul 14, 2022

Is Back To The Future the perfect film? Great Scott this episode gets heavy as we talk about why this film is so beloved and what it’s meant over the years. We’ve got to go back and debate the score, the characters, the quotes, and most of all the meaning of the movie.

Stranger Things 4: Vol 1

Monday Jun 27, 2022

Monday Jun 27, 2022

We don’t usually cover TV shows. We had to make an exception for Stranger Things. What do we think of the show overall? What did we make of Season 4? What do we expect when the show returns? Who are the most meaningful characters? Who are the least meaningful? And what is the meaning of Stranger Things? You have to listen to this episode. It’s unlike anything else we’ve covered. 

Top Gun: Maverick

Monday Jun 20, 2022

Monday Jun 20, 2022

This is a podcast 36 years in the making. It's time to talk about the sequel of the summer 🔥. Where does it rack up as an all-time sequel? Why do people love it? And most importantly what is this movie trying to say? Buckle up because we're going fast. It's time to discuss the meaning of Top Gun: Maverick. Visit our website 


Thursday Jun 09, 2022

Thursday Jun 09, 2022

It's time to journey into the deep end of space... or Montana. We're reviewing 2016's ARRIVAL, starring Amy Adams.
We think it has to say a lot about 9/11, the pandemic, Christmas, and why Jeremy Renner never became Tom Cruise.
Join the discussion on Facebook Find out about Jason Boyett's podcastAnd Brick and Elm


MOTM Podcast Hosts

Rob Stennett, Andrew Harmon, and John Bolin have worked together on films, ad campaigns, and A LOT of stage productions.

We debate movies a lot.

We're taking the debate out of the backstage and onto the main stage. What makes a movie meaningful? Is there a least meaningful part of the movie? 

Did we love it or hate it? You're invited into the journey.  

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